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Travel Anxiety Helpful Exercise

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Hey Y'all,

I'm a Mental Health Therapist who is new to solo travel, and I found myself really anxious while planning my first solo trip (Three weeks in Italy/Spain/France). I started looking for something to help me process my anxiety and help me feel calmer, and I stumbled upon this journal prompt that REALLY helped me. I feel like half of the posts I see on here are people who are nervous about their first trip, so I thought I might share what I found in case it helps someone else.

Write yourself a letter from your fear. Often times, we try to shove our nervousness/fear down and it just makes it worse, so it is often freeing to give it a voice and actually listen to it objectively instead of pretend it's not there. Set yourself a timer for 10 minutes and write to yourself from Fear's perspective. This is what mine sounded like:

"Dear Kelly, This is your fear and this is what I need to tell you. If you do this Solo trip you might get so lonely your soul hurts. If you do this, you might get raped, or hurt, or taken advantage of. You might get lost or mugged, and honestly I don't think you are smart enough to plan this yourself so you could run out of money and be destitute then who is going to help us out??????!"

You will probably find that your fear revolves around the same 2 or 3 core fears (Mine are being lonely, getting physically hurt, or running out of money). It's really freeing to find out that your anxiety isn't endless and most likely is just revolving around every human beings basic desire to survive/not die.

Then, after reading your letter from fear, write a letter back as Yourself. Your REAL core self that gave you the dream to do this trip in the first place. Your real self that is separate from your emotions. As your real self, write a letter back to fear, and thank your fear for trying to help you (which in reality, it is trying to help you! It just wants to keep you alive/safe) remind fear you get to make the choices in your life, not fear.

My reply letter sounded like this:

"Dear Fear, thanks for keeping me safe, and trying to keep me from harm so I can live a long life and do everything I want to do before I die. I will definitely take your concerns into consideration and plan accordingly, but, I am in charge here and I think this trip is well worth the risk. So please kindly take a back seat while I go do what I've wanted to do for a very long time."

I know it might sound silly, but writing myself this letter while I planned my trip literally changed my entire perspective on my trip and reduced my anxiety SO MUCH!

I really hope this helps, and I just want to encourage you all that most people get nervous about this kind of stuff! Your nervousness is just a reminder you are human and what to stay safe/alive. You don't need to be fearless, but you can be courageous in the face of your fear, because your dreams are WORTH it!

I got this from the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Also, I have a lot of material/exercises to calm anxiety! If you all like this I can always post some more for those other nervous travelers out there 😊

Top Comment:

I’d love to hear some more tips! Do you have any for when you’re actually having an anxiety attack?

September 3, 2019 | Forum: r/solotravel

Let's tall vacations...

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**dang it, typo. I meant talk obviously :(

Specifically. International travel to big cities.

Do you work out using the gym at the hotel (I would honestly do this but it's not going to be available at my hotel)? Do you just jog in the mornings? Do nothing except enjoy vacation? (I enjoy workout out though :P)

Do you prep and bring it (I know hardcore awesome peeps that do this)? Do you just track what you eat? Do you go all out?

Do you gain fat/lose muscle from eating what you want while on vacation? I am so nervous about progress loss when I haven't reached my goals yet, but I really want to enjoy my first international, child-free, vacation.

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I highly encourage you to let go of tracking & dieting during your vacation.

When I am on an international vacation, I eat what I want, within reason. I try to make sure I have vegetables, protein, and fat on my plate, but I don't deprive myself.

Years and years from now, you'll think back and remember the amazing fish & chips you ate in the pub on that amazing day with your partner- you won't think about how lean you were, or if you'd hit your macros that day. Vacations are about the experience, and making memories. Eat good foods that nourish your body, but allow yourself to experience the place you are, and the culture you are immersed in.

January 8, 2018 | Forum: r/xxfitness